Friday, August 12, 2016

How Burning Fat Really Work?

How Burning Fat Really Work?!40

How Fat Burning Really Works

How Burning Fat Really Works

How Burning Fat Really Works has been a long standing question. Have you ever wondered or do you just try to burn it? Having an understanding on how fat burns, where fat goes, and what is the best way to burn fat is important to having the ability to get on the path of burning it.
For the past 8-10 years science has continued to fall onto relatively the same answers when looking at the science behind How Burning Fat Really Work.

How Burning Fat Really Works

Being that 65% of the United States is Obese and 80% is overweight we have to start getting educated. The issue that many Americans are faced with is that there is far too much miss-information available. For people to be successful in becoming healthy they must have appropriate knowledge and understanding. We all know we cannot do something without having knowledge about the subject.
According to a new study published in the British Medical Journal, the majority of people believe that fat gets “burned” off by being converted into heat and energy, or they believe that it gets turned into muscle.
Though this this is the common belief and understanding, it is very incorrect. The sad story is many doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, and personal trainers believe this to be true as well. As an industry expert in personal fitness and nutrition for 20 years it is very sad that most industry professionals are still sharing that as fact.
You are probably thinking “Oh Man, I have been told that very thing and I believed it”. That’s okay! You are reading this because you are interested in getting educated on this whole process. Now that you know that fat doesn’t turn into muscle, and you know it doesn’t just magically disappear, it is time to learn story.

How Burning Fat Really Works

When we talk about burning fat we are talking about a specific type of fat. This is fat that accumulates in are adipose tissue areas and comes from the consumption of excess carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. When our bodies don’t need the excess or cannot use the excess amount it is add as fat. Excess macro-nutrients get converted into triglycerides, which are then stored in what is called Adipocytes (aka our fat cells). This means if you have weight to lose, you need to metabolize (burn off) the triglycerides.
To burn fat (triglycerides) they must go through a chemical reaction so they can leave the body in the form of carbon dioxide and water. Yep, you are breathing, sweating, and urinating your fat away.
Resent studies have found that we actually BREATH 84% of the fat out of our body, and the other 16% leaves the body in fluid form (i.e. sweat, urination, condensation in your breath, and so on). Research has traced the atoms with in the fat cells and their pathways as they are released from the body. These studies found that 80% of the fat was carried out of the body in the form of Carbon Dioxide, and 20% was carried out of the body via fluid.
Note: This research has shown that if the goal is to lose weight, simply breathing more or working out more isn’t necessarily going to help you achieve your weight loss goal. There still needs to be a proper consumption of the macro-nutrients that is in line with a person’s needs based on their Basal Metabolic Rate, and activity levels. 
Now that we have established an understanding on how fat is burned and where it goes, what is the most efficient way to burn the fat. Most people have heard the term the “fat burning zone”. Many doctors, and trainers have used this term. Is there really a “fat burning zone”?
I years past the majority of science that stated that low and slow intensity burns more fat than moderate to high intensity activities. Based on what was previously covered we understand that the majority of fat loses happens through breathing, sweating and urination. Therefore the previous science of low and slow is no longer the best course of action.
This is why higher intensity training has become the norm and has shown the greatest results. When the exercise is high intensity it uses fat, calories and oxygen processes to create the energy for the activity. Thus burning more because of the heavy breathing, and more sweat created by the workout intensity.
Here is a great example; If you walk for an hour and burn 150 calories, approximately 90% of those calories will come from fat, which will equate to about 135 calories from fat burned. Now, if you jog on a treadmill for one hour and burn 600 calories with 50% of those calories coming from fat, this would equate to 300 calories from fat. This should be a no brainer on which would burn more. Unfortunately people believe that a larger percentage equals more burned. Clearly not true if you do the math. 300 is definitely bigger than 135. Therefore the best way to burn fat is put out a greater amount of exertion and energy use.
One other fat burning concept to keep in mind is what is called the “After Burn” or “Post-Exercise Burn”. The scientific name is EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). This is the energy above your normal metabolic rate that continues to be used after an intense activity.
This means if the exercise is done at a high exertion rate, you will continue to use more energy during recovery due to the elevated state of your metabolic system. This continued use of energy is directly related to your muscles needing to replenish their carbohydrate stores, repair, and remove waste products (i.e. lactic acid). EPOC does not happen is not with low intensity exercise.
Let’s Put it all Together. The best way to burn stored body fat is with high intensity exercise that include many variations of exercise. High intensity exercise can be done on a bike, running, interval training, metabolic weight training and more. For great at-home programs that provide the best training systems for optimal fat burning you may want to look at P90X3Insanity Max:3021 Day Fix, or 21 Day Fix Extreme. The more you change it up the better. It is recommend doing metabolic training at least three to four days per week.!40
How Burning Fat Really Works is not overly difficult to understand, but when you do have the right knowledge you will be creating a system that will bring you increased fat burning. The bottom line is the harder you work the more fat energy you burn, and the greater the after burn, which in turn brings greater fat burn overall.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

What is a Coach?

What is a Coach?


What does it mean to be a Team Beachbody Coach?

Being a Team Beachbody Coach allows you an opportunity to earn an income while helping yourself and others live a healthier, more fulfilling life. It’s being passionate about helping to “End the Trend” of obesity. All while inspiring others to be healthy and fit physically and financially, and helping others to do the same.
Becoming a Coach will reward you in ways you never thought possible, physically, personally, and financially.
Coaching will have you expanding your world and reach. You’ll meet people and develop new relationships that will enrich you in ways you never imagined.
When you are a coach, you’ll have the opportunity to explore exciting new opportunities for personal development, earning world-class trips to exotic destinations, plus so much more. You may even have the opportunity to be recognized on stage, in front of thousands of your peers at our most exciting and important Coach event of the year, Team Beachbody Summit.
Now imagine the rewards your ambition and commitment can bring you as a Team Beachbody Coach. You CAN do the things in life you were always meant to do. Just by doing what you love. That’s what the Team Beachbody Coaching opportunity is all about.
The great thing about becoming a Team Beachbody Coach is you can begin earning money right away. The products you’ll be offering are proven successes, backed by multi-million dollar ad campaigns, and they are household names and brands people already know and want to buy. You have an opportunity to earn 25% commissions on retail sales, as well as have the opportunity to earn if you choose to build a network of Coaches to form a team.
Many Coaches earn enough income to stretch their monthly budgets. Some earn enough to quit their day jobs. Top Coaches even earn more than a million dollars a year.
Be sure to watch our video on the Compensation Plan, and download the Compensation Plan Highlights for an overview of how to earn money, but if you really want to get into the numbers and learn all the different ways to earn as a Team Beachbody Coach, click on the Coach Policies and Procedures/Compensation Planlink below.
Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 
See our statement_of_independent_coach_earnings 2015 for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Coaches.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Health of Our Brain

Health of Our Brain

Health of our Brain and the importance of Meditation

Health of Our Brain

Our brains are amazing high tech computers. What we do and don’t do for our brains can make them healthier and stronger, or weaker and slow their operation. Just like anything that has to with our bodies, as we age things can begin to slow down and deteriorate. Of course if we take good care of ourselves this process happens much slower than when we don’t take care of ourselves.
You know how to know this? Simply look around at people. You can line up four or five people that are all the same age and you would never know they are the same age because they all have done different things to take care of their bodies. Those who take good care look younger, feel younger, and their brains are sharper than those who don’t take care of their bodies. Everything we do effects the Health of Our Brain. How the brain operates, effects the rest of the body.

Health of Our Brain

Neuroscientific studies from the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, has shown that we can expand the capacity of our brain, not only to self-heal, but also to grow in ways we never imagined were possible when we feed our brain in ways that will improve the Health of Our Brain.
So what are the things that aid in neurological growth? The things that we can do to aid in neurological growth need to be developed as daily habits. When we do develop these daily habits we may see a significant reduction in stress, an increase in the brain’s gray matter, a greater ability to tap into the subconscious mind for problem solving, and the ability to reveal incredible potential that we were unaware of before.
Habit #1: Proper Sleep for Stress Reduction
The stress that we accumulate during the day goes into our brains. Our brains collect and save the stress from our days, and when we dream it works to process it away. This is why 7-9 hours of sleep is incredibly important… We process stress and trauma while we sleep.
Habit #2: Follow the Sun Schedule
Waking with the sun is great for so many aspects of the brain. Our brain uses a group of nerve cells called the Suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is located in your hypothalamus. This cluster regulates our “circadian rhythm.” The Circadian rhythm is our “master clock” which syncs our body’s clocks. When we continually throw this clock off by not rising with the sun it can create an internal environment that has been found to impact obesity, diabetes, depression, sleep disorders, hormone Dysregulation, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder.
So wake up when the sun does!
Habit #3: Use Fish Oil or if Vegan Flax Oil Daily
These oils have positive benefits for brain health. Feeding the brain with a high quality clean Fish or Flax oil will not only help with overall brain health, but your joints, organs, skin, and other body systems will benefit.
Habit #4: Meditation
We already talked about some amazing benefits that mediation has in our article Meditating Stress Away. So now let’s see how meditation can help tap into our subconscious mind. Tapping into our subconscious mind has innumerable neurological benefits.
Not sure how to be mindful and want an easy way to meditate? Check out the app Headspace. It’s a gym for your mind. It helps new meditators with meditation techniques. Meditation will you have you feeling happier, healthier, and living a more enjoyable life.
Habit #5: Be Uncomfortable
Our brains need to grow and as with anything you have to be uncomfortable to grow. When something we are doing feels uncomfortable, awkward, weird, strange, or scary we are in the right place for growth. Being out of our comfort zone daily allows our brains to develop new branches on its neuron tree. If this isn’t happening daily the neuron tree begins to dry up.

Health of Our Brain

A healthy lifestyle is about complete health. Complete health is about being healthy on the inside and on the outside. It truly must start with our brain. When we can improve the Health of Our Brain, so many other areas of our health and wellness can more easily be improved. Having these daily habits be a part of our health and wellness regimen can make such a difference!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Business Opportunity

This opportunity can create one of the greatest things for your life…FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

Finally there is a REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY where the cards are stacked heavily in YOUR FAVOR! You can start and run a successful home business that is backed by a proven system, nationally recognized products, lucrative revenue sharing, and a community of support to help ensure your success!
Here are the TOP 10 Reasons that being a Team Beachbody Coach is the best Business Opportunity available:
  • More than $120 million in marketing spent a year on advertising the products you offer.
  • Some of the biggest names in fitness products, starting with P90X, which sees over 2.2 million online searches by name each month. Not to mention the millions of searches done on other products like Insanity, Body Beast, 21 Day Fix, and more.
  • Up to 70,000 customers per week that are given to qualified coaches.
  • More than one third of adults in America are obese, fueling $80 billion in annual weight loss product sales, and more than $70 million health club memberships. This provides an opportunity for a home fitness alternative like Beachbody®.
  • A network marketing business with double digit growth each year since its conception. Making it a $1.3 billion debt free company as of 2015.
  • Continued growth in the entire organization, as well as the emergence of top coaches after being in the business for just over a year (There is so much room for growth, and in the health and fitness industry it is never too late to get involved).
  • Our team’s Coach2Profits System of proven social media marketing and strategies, along with our training website can help you create a national business from your home, and on your own time.
  • Word-of-mouth from over 10 million customers producing in excess of $1.3 billion in total sales.
  • A simple system that has been built by regular people from ex-military, stay at home moms, business professionals, and seasoned entrepreneurs. There is no prerequisite on your experience in business, marketing, sales or need for high amounts of financial start-up. All you need is a passion to help yourself and others at the same time.
  • An amazing team approach where support and accountability are standard.
Click this link:
Disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. Please feel free to review our statement_of_independent_coach_earnings 2015.

Meditating Stress Away

Meditating Stress Away

We have all had those days… You know that exhausting day at the office, a strenuous day of classes, or a never-ending afternoon of shuttling your kids back and forth between music lessons and sports practices. I know your head is spinning just reading this, and you can completely relate. The real question is ‘What do you do to unwind’? Many people want to watch TV or pop open a bottle of wine. Unfortunately, both of these activities don’t help relieve the day’s stresses.
Have you ever thought about Meditating Stress Away? Taking a few minutes when you get done with your rat race to relax and reflect on your thoughts can do wonders for your mind and body. Plus, it can a positive effect on your stress levels. Meditating Stress Away has even been shown to help with back pain and body aches.

Meditating Stress Away

It is understandable if you have some preconceived notions about meditation and how to meditate if you have never done it before. The reality is, is that meditation can be done in a variety of ways, and you can customize it to fit your personal needs. Ultimately meditation is about understanding how you think and using that in a productive, positive way to benefit your mind and body.
There are many different ways to meditate, but you don’t need to know much more than the basics to get started.
1. Keep Your Spine Straight
As a beginner you may find it easier to sit in a chair with a back support instead of sitting cross-legged on the floor. If you prefer to sit on the ground, using a block can help lift your hips above your knees which aids in keeping your back straight.
2. Keep a Relaxed Breath
Breath in and out through your nose instead of your mouth. This can help relax your nervous system and keep your breath calm and even.
3. Single Point Your Focus
Focus on anything that makes you happy. It doesn’t matter what you focus on as long as your mind is on one point and one point only, and this point should be something that gives you joy.

Meditating Stress Away

If you find yourself becoming distracted while you are trying to meditate, don’t worry. This is common for people who are new to meditation. Simply acknowledge the distraction and then go back to your focal point. It’s an exercise, and with any exercise it will take practice to master.
Be sure to start with short periods of meditation. It is recommended that to start off with one minute. Once you feel have accomplished a minute with having no distractions, then go for three minutes. Once you have conquered three minutes without distractions it is time to increase to five or ten minutes.
Another thing you may want to do is experiment with what time of day works best for you to meditate. You may find that you have less mental distractions at different times of the day. Meditation will still have the same positive effects no matter the time of day. It is about you being able to meditate without distractions that the magic happens.
Meditating Stress Away can help you mentally and physically. If you find that you still struggle with distractions, you may want to give meditation apps a try. Some can be really help you strengthen your skills and block out the distractions.!40